How can i set the frame rate for a video i want to record in vvvv? I’v got some problem to do that.Actually i can’t really understand where is the problem but when i reopen the file i’ve made with vvvv in virtual dub, cause other players like vlc don’t even load it’s not reproduced fluently and i find it as an incredibly oversized framerate.Currently i’m getting the video from the RendererEX9 as a DX9Texture than i put it in the AsVideo module,then in the Compress module, and finally in the Writer Dshow9 module.I’ve tried with differens compressions but i encountered the same problem.(i would attach a snapshot of how i patched it avoiding to descibe the whole by words if i would know where snapshot are saved on my comp. or where i can set the destination folder…so that’s another question :)
Thanks in advance.S