Forum sub divisions

I have been a bit scared away from the gamma forum and now I think I know why. I think the forum is drowned put by bug reports, which is fine, but wouldn’t it be easier to get an overview if there where some sub forums like bugs (obviously) and perhaps beginners corner an advanced corner and feature requests. I then looked at the beta forum and I think that would benefit from the same divisions and it’s just my decade+ of hanging outside there that makes it more simple for me.


not exactly sure what you mean. if you go to the front page, you see that both beta and gamma have the same subforums for questions, feature, bug and general:

then when you’re in either beta or gamma forum you can reach the subforums like this:

only the default is indeed to see everything at once.

I see now… well, I have not realized how that worked, perhaps it should be more visible or something. not sure.

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