I havent messed with flash much since using vvvv, but due to trying to run a DX output fullscreen and an interface in seperate threads, which unfortuantly doesnt quite work…
I’m thinking about building a ui in flash as the flash renderer functions when a dx window is fullscreen, so to those who use flash and vvvv, is this feasable?
I need sliders buttons and some dyanmically updatable thumbnails, I’m hopeing I can keep all the logic parts of the interface I’ve already built as its quite complex, a lot of preset values etc, does this sound worth persuing, I dont want to spend hours messing to find its not going to work!
it’s worth to have a go. if you use the flash renderer window for ur gui, it should work. i did just a few tests…making a simple flash gui controlling things in vvvv.
i can have a look at my messy harddiscs, i might still have this approach somewhere.
Cheers for that, gave me a start!
Heres where I’ve gone so far, the sliders work, but I need to be able to set them from vvv but I’m not too sure hw to do that whithin flash, so if any can help I’d appreciate it!
I need to somehow set the initial state of an instance, I presume there a simple way of doing it in flash, I’m rusty as hell though!
No, I’ve been up to my neck in work! Finally got some time off this week, I think it might be a good way of making interfaces, but my action script has all been forgotten since I last needed it! It was Flash 5 last time I used it, it all seems a bit complicated now!
If I can sort out file names for button textures, and in and output for sliders, I’ll be happy!
Maybe next week, I’ll have a look again, I do rather like the one I’ve built in vvvv but its just too much cpu and the dual core thing as well, shame!
AHhh, forgot about it!
Maybe I shall have to check it out again, I set it up in osx, which I use less than xp (vvvvho knows why) Maybe I should di it for Xp too!