Does anybody know a way to fix a position of a camera?
everytime by pressing ‘r’ it switches to its basic-angle…
I’m using the girlpower softimage camera.
This is propably an easy one for vvvv-pros,
thanks for answers!!
Does anybody know a way to fix a position of a camera?
everytime by pressing ‘r’ it switches to its basic-angle…
I’m using the girlpower softimage camera.
This is propably an easy one for vvvv-pros,
thanks for answers!!
i added an faq entry to the new node reference page Camera (Transform Softimage)
cool thing, thanks a lot!!!
i always change the Camera (Transform Softimage) - Module so that ‘R’ has to be pressed for 0.5sec to reset the position. i’d vote for the default behavior with this or similar settings…
There comes another question:
Can I define a point in 3d space as target for the camera?
so if I turn camera, position changes but angle and persepctive stays the same.
I hope, I didn’t explain that to complicated.
thanks for the help!
see ampops CameraAndTarget module: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=ampop+-+CameraAndTarget
great, that’s exactly what I was looking for!