here it is, a Plugin communicating with Arduino Standard Firmata 2.0
I hope you enjoy it. It will be uploaded to the sourceforge repository to be part of the next release.
Once you have uploaded the right Firmata (coming with the zip) to your Arduino Board, it should be fairly easy to use.
More instruction are in the helpfile, please read carefully. (81.1 kB)
Hell yeah! Tried that months ago with some aweful vbasic lib, but was too impatient to finish it. This is looking good.
nice i,ll test it soon, thanks ;D
Hey, this come just in time for a project and my lack of arduino.
I can’t burn the pde in the wirmachenbut zip (102.82 Kb)
but the 2.1 OldStandardFirmata worked perfect
the file (102.82 Kb) is made by mr.benefit in 2006 and has nothing to do with my plugin.
good to hear the 2.1 oldstandard works too.
the versions are more or less compatible but i experienced not working PWM’S wih one firmata release. so be aware of this in case something isn’t working like it should be…