Does anyone know of a way to filter the empty (textures for example) nodes out of a spread of nodes?
I have seen solutions for strings, and values etc. But is there a way for other types of nodes?
For example if you would have a spread containing 5 textures, maybe created via a Cons node, but texture 3 wouldn’t contain a texture (or pin 3 of the Cons node wouldn’t be connected), you would somehow return a spread of 4 textures, leaving out the empty 3rd texture.
i don’t know if Info (EX9.Texture) is able to output spreads.
but in case it can you could check for width=0 or similar and use GetSlice (Node) to filter…
Never noticed empty textures count in the spreadcount, thnx for this.
I attached a patch that should fix this, it indeed use the Info Node. Just be carefull, if you have no textures at all, you end up with an empty (or NILL) spread.
Never noticed empty textures count in the spreadcount, thnx for this.
I attached a patch that should fix this, it indeed use the Info Node. Just be carefull, if you have no textures at all, you end up with an empty (or NILL) spread.