Filestream doesn't load videos

my problem is that in this patch , the filestream node doesn’t load videos though it’s not red and I have the vlc 64 bit for vvvv 64, and i also tried with 32 bit, but it doesn’t work …
once it worked but in the loop it stopped and two of renderers didn’t play videos , we are trying to get 4 different synchronized screens out one system

4 renderers (12.9 kB)

Try the DX11 Version.

Do you want to play the same video on all 4 screens/renderers?
Or a different video per screen?

Anyway have a look at:

VideoSpread.v4p (23.5 KB)

thanks a lot for writing this patch for me
but I have another problem also I don’t know how to enable filestream in my pc , it loads images but not videos , even not a single video with one renderer :(

thanks a lot for writing this patch for me
but I have another problem also I don’t know how to enable filestream in my pc , it loads images but not videos , even not a single video with one renderer :(

Make sure you have the latest DX11 pack installed:

Try the attached patch. Does the video play?
If it doesn’t, are there any error messages in TTY?

VideoTest.v4p (7.8 KB)

thanks again , but the video doesn’t play with this error , I don’t know what is it

You are always double posting…

That’s no error in TTY.

But you are using beta33.7.
Try again with beta34.2 and latest DX11 Pack. And/Or download the correct DX11 Version for beta33.7.

If this also doesn’t work, try :

  • with only one monitor attached
  • upgrading your graficcard drivers
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thanks a lot , you solved our big problem:)

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