I’ve got problems with the file stream updating the file name changes, I’ve built in monitoring all along the route and it stops with the filestream, the node says file x.avi but is actually playing another file, most perplexing! Its like it gets stuck, if you change it again it snaps back to the right file (sometimes)
This is on an artnet patch so I think that when it changes file it scans through a few on the way to the right file and can get stuck on one of them, going to try and patch a work around, dont want to go back to 8.1, I like 9.1!
Done a fix, put a delay on the value going to the get slice a doesnt = and a S+H. Havent messed with delay times much but it works with a .2, just in case anyone else has a problem! Not ideal, but certainly a work around!
Ok come show time still getting file name stick, doh!
I’ll let you know if increased delay helps! Could be a desk fault as well, going to try an artistic licence box next week, as well as possibly straight out the desk ( a compulite Vector, which can apparently do compulight and artnet at the same time) Have had the occasional dmx judder as well!
Ok heres a patch that demonstrates my file stream problem.
Click the button to step through files, every now and then it doesnt change the video but the file name changes. Now I’ve noticed that it seems to happen to the same files, but these files have all been created in the same batch, and will play if selected on there own.
They’re all Mjpeg by the way, its a bit weird!
I have messed with wait for frame, but it didnt seem to make any difference, havent tried tty yet, I’ll give that a go too, thing is re corrupt files, is that they do play, just not every time they’re selected!
I’ll let you know when I’ve played again!
Had a quick play in 9.2 again, on my new box, and its still doing it! tty gives cant create graph due to unknown error or some such, they all work in 8.1, Im pretty busy till the middle ofnext week, I’ll investigate further then!
While I think about it, anyway to reduce the load time of filestreams?
ie would faster disks reduce the time for the graph to load, or is it processor dependant? I think 9.2 seemed slightly faster than 8.1 but till I can fix the wrong file problem Im sticking with 8!
so you are saying the same thing works in 8.1 but not in 9.2?
if tty always says “cant create graph” with the same files…then it should have to do something with that specifc files compression. can you upload one of them?
but now that sounds different than your initial problem that you mentioned happening only when cycling through a list of files?!
Yes 8.1 fine 9.2 funny…
I was using a different patch,
last night I was dropping files from explorer onto an io txt, name changes in the box and the file stream node, but graph fails to render, its a bit like the freeframe io box problem maybe? Also the TTy was saying cant find file…
Its particulary noticable when there are several filestream video tex nodes in the patch I think…
I’ll try and do it again and upload the log and an avi somewhere
01:20:45 : ds connect from: Output to: VMR Input0
01:20:46 : FileStream (DShow9).Video → Color Space Converter.XForm Out
01:20:46 ERR : The system cannot find the path specified.
01:20:46 : Adding node to filtergraph: FileStream (DShow9)
01:20:46 : Connecting from: FileStream (DShow9).Video to: VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9).Video
01:20:46 * : nil pins can not be connected in directshow graph
01:20:46 ERR : The system cannot find the path specified.
01:20:46 : Adding node to filtergraph: FileStream (DShow9)
01:20:46 : Connecting from: FileStream (DShow9).Video to: VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9).Video
01:20:46 * : nil pins can not be connected in directshow graph
All these files do play in 9.2, but not all the time!
more info in a while…
ahh heres a doent see it then does…
01:25:37 : FileStream (DShow9).Video → Color Space Converter.XForm Out
01:25:39 * : couldn’t find/create node loops\dings\lkittlemen.avi (ID: 50) in patch E:\movie test.v4p. deleting action.
01:25:53 : Removing node: Video Mixing Renderer 9 from filtergraph
01:25:53 : FileStream (DShow9).Video → AVI Splitter.Stream 00
01:25:53 : Removing Filter: Color Space Converter
01:25:53 : Removing Filter: AVI Decompressor
01:25:53 : Removing Filter: PICVideo M-JPEG 3 DirectShow Decompressor
01:25:53 : Removing Filter: AVI Splitter
01:25:53 : Adding node to filtergraph: FileStream (DShow9)
01:25:53 : FileStream (DShow9).Audio → E:\loops\dings\lkittlemen.avi.Output
01:25:53 : FileStream (DShow9).Midi → E:\loops\dings\lkittlemen.avi.Output
01:25:53 : FileStream (DShow9).Video → E:\loops\dings\lkittlemen.avi.Output
01:25:53 : Adding node to filtergraph: VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9)
01:25:53 : Connecting from: FileStream (DShow9).Video to: VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9).Video
01:25:53 : ds connect from: Output to: VMR Input0
01:25:53 : FileStream (DShow9).Video → Color Space Converter.XForm Out
Hmmm got another stange anomily, this 8.1 so may not be relevant anymore, but I’ve got a file stream that stays playing 25fps, when the speed is down to 8fps. This is running off cues by the way, when the speed is tweaked manualy it pops down to 8, I’ve checked with Herr Inspektor file stream says .38 video tex 25 fps, just another thought!
The url above should work when cut and pasted by the way
thanks for insisting on that one. there was quite a fat bug hiding in the FileStream node. it was actually one of those where you wonder how this could have done anything at all…sory.
the speed thing is unrelated i would say…is that problem bound to specific files/codecs?
The speed up I’ve only noticed on the 1 cue so far, all files are the same codec. I’ll see if i can get any more clue as to why its happening, It just left me scratching my head!