just wanted to report this…Sometimes the FFT(or stereo mix input in general) stops workin’.The only thing i can do to make it works again is to restart the system which is quite annoying…I’ve notice that happens when i’m muting the sound system and turnin’ it on again (but not only in this case)… when looking at the control panel the stereo mix is still enable…strange…maybe its not a vvvv issue and just a system one…who knows!
I’ve seen that one too
alt-right click on the or other node or the subpatch doesn’t help?
Perhaps try to know if there’s another software using your sound card at the same time ( Antivirus for ex).
Windows sound too can stuck your audio card with some softwares unsing it.
Some bad drivers do not allow multi audio rendering.
Which card is it ?This bug is frequent ?
See you
I’ve got the same problem, FFT4Channels often bugs and when I close my patch, vvvv crashes. I updated all drivers, starting with my Sigmatel audio card driver, but trouble still remains.
Alt-right click doesn’t help at all…still need to restart the system to get stereomix workin again…