I’m trying to save the rgb video output from a Kinect 2 as an image sequence.
I’m able to get around 10 fps exporting as dds to a ramdisk using Writer(DX11.Texture2d)
I’m likely getting close to the disk write speed bottleneck here, but if I write to a different format with a smaller filesize (eg jpg or png) the framerate drops significantly, implying a bottleneck in compressing the images.
Can anyone think of a way I can save these images to disk faster?
Note: I’m actually playing back this data as recordings from Kinect Studio, but as far as I know, there is no way to either extract the image data from the xef file, or slow down / manually control the playback rate from Kinect Studio.
Maybe instead of saving realtime , you can use a queue node to store the frame and then save everything later , you might not be able to save long video , but at least you’ll have good framerate and original def.