False positives in Help Browser

I wasn’t so sure at first and was just wondering why I got so many hits for things that didn’t belong there, but now I’m pretty sure it’s a bug (5.3 preview 0214, but noticed in previous versions as well).

Searching for Channel, among correct ones, gives all these results on top:

Among results for Compute

And because I ran out of ideas, this happens when searching for “internet” :)
For intern, at first nothing



I can somehow see similarities between Intersect and Internet, how is the string comparison done in the Help Browser search? Seems a bit off.

it’s related

The guys went off to refine the search algorithm.
It seems to me that as help patches grow, the browser will need to be rethought. I really miss being able to enable only one package in search. But I pray that with the new search half of the problems will go away.

If node + helpbrowser were using the same fuzzy search and it’s still enabled for the helpbrowser, yeah - seems like it. Thanks for the link

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