Failing export due to missing reference, runs fine in vvvv

"Schema.UI.Introduction.vl.csproj" -- FAILED.

Done building project "Schema_Preview.csproj" -- FAILED.

System.Exception: The type or namespace name 'SkiaStyle_EbsoAgbA6n6MXZmKXHxoc1' does not exist in the namespace '_Schema_UI_.Schema.UI' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

SkiaStyle is not even used in the Introduction patch. Just couldn’t find it.

SkiaStyle comes from a forwarded reference coming from Schema.UI, referenced from the Schema.UI.Introduction patch.

Seems to have been some leftovers from previous build causing trouble.

Cleaned the build by removing the src folder and rebuilt successfuly.

Maybe add Clean/Clean Build options to the Application Exporter?

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