hi all!
i want to find out how to get a video file (or an image sequence) 3065x1200 from vvvv? i’ve tried to use all the writer(dx11.texture) nodes including this one Texture AVI Writer (DX11) | vvvv but no one is working well…
for smaller resolitions i used to capture a screen via bandicam, but this is not the case now, i need 3065x1200 video for one project and even more for another - 4096x4096
if any of you had a positive expirience of exporting video with similar resolutions, how did you do this?
i tried but got an error saying “Была сделана попытка загрузить программу, имеющую неверный формат. (Исключение из HRESULT: 0x8007000B)”, that means something like “There was an attempt to load a program that is having wrong format. (Exeption from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)”
in different vvvv-version (don’t remember what exactly, it was long ago), there was no error, but videofile was very discontinuous