Ex9 or GDI render output to Resolume via freeframe fugstream videostream plugin

Hi all. Can i transfer render from vvvv to Resolume via this freeframe? I cant understand, how transfer ex9 output from render node to directshow input, thats use FugStreamSend node. Can any1 give me some examples and instructions?

hai alg, have you seen the VideoStreaming page?

Hi all. Can i transfer render from vvvv to Resolume via this freeframe? I cant understand, how transfer ex9 output from render node to directshow input, thats use FugStreamSend node. Can any1 give me some examples and instructions?

I think alg wants to know what modules to use to connect layers to the fugStreamSend module. I am still trying myself…

OK, found it and it works - Renderer(EX9) → DX9Texture → AsVideo → fugStreamSend

good luck…

Big thx =). I will try it.