I’ve got a large patch I’ve just tried in beta 11, it has a hidden ex renderer-DXTexture-Quad-second renderer, the hidden renderer is grey when opened, and the quad just displays a static glitch.
Any ideas?
(I like the grey splash by the way!)
when running it gives
00:05:01 * : [validatevalue: error occured in ](validatevalue: error occured in ): Division durch Null
00:05:01 * : [validatevalue: error occured in ](validatevalue: error occured in ): Division durch Null
and on close
Format: R8G8B8, Mip Map Count: 1)
00:05:03 * : [event.call: error occured in TMLayerGroup](event.call: error occured in TMLayerGroup): Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 005AA176 in Modul ‘vvvv.exe’. Lesen von Adresse 00000000
00:05:03 * : [event.call: error occured in TMLayerGroup](event.call: error occured in TMLayerGroup): Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 005AA1DA in Modul ‘vvvv.exe’. Lesen von Adresse 00000000
TMex9RenderTextureNode]: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 005AA096 in Modul ‘vvvv.exe’. Lesen von Adresse 00000008
00:05:04 * : [event.call: error occured in TMex9RenderTextureNode](event.call: error occured in TMex9RenderTextureNode): Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 005AA096 in Modul ‘vvvv.exe’. Lesen von Adresse 00000008
00:05:04 * : [event.call: error occured in TMex9TextureWriterNode](event.call: error occured in TMex9TextureWriterNode): Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 005AA096 in Modul ‘vvvv.exe’. Lesen von Adresse 00000008
00:05:04 ERR : The operation could not be performed because the filter is in the wrong state.
00:05:04 : Removing node: Video Mixing Renderer 9 from filtergraph
00:05:04 * : [event.call: error occured in TMex9EffectNode](event.call: error occured in TMex9EffectNode): Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 005B181C in Modul ‘vvvv.exe’. Lesen von Adresse 00000000
00:05:04 * : [event.call: error occured in TMex9EffectNode](event.call: error occured in TMex9EffectNode): Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 005B1866 in Modul ‘vvvv.exe’. Lesen von Adresse 0000000
Hidden render works with another largish patch, just not the real biggy, I can try and narrow it down when I get some time, just got a lot on at the moment!
Also check out YUV video texture, and still get layers dropping out and flashing, does anyone else get this?
please narrow your patch down to the evil and post it here. it is really hard to smell whats going wrong there.
yuv-texture is still officially a known problem. and there is nothing much i can do about it (apart from a bigger workaround that is still on my list…). it works quite well for me though on an nvidia6800 card. when there is nothing much else in the patch i get nicely deinterlaced pal video at 50fps.
huh. strange again. i am not aware of any changes concerning the videoin node. you say the same patch works in beta10? if you not open, but rebuild that patch with beta11.1?
K Joreg, I’ll try, but that patch is a monster!
Yuv, would be great as it loads avi’s so fast there’s barely a glitch in the output, although, buying a raptor, helped with that too!
> it works quite well for me though on an nvidia6800 card. when there is nothing much else in the patch i get nicely deinterlaced pal video at 50fps.
Yes, in this case video wasn’t perturbed for me too.
> if you not open, but rebuild that patch with beta11.1?
Already tried and same result.
I’ve narrowed down the ex renderer issue to techniques in the shader again, if its attached to an ord to enum, the technique reads (nil) and the shader doesnt work (hence the stuck renderer) if its not attached the techiniques all work and the shader compilies fine! The previous workaround was to add a frac to the ord to enum, but that no longer seems to work, this is a bit awkward as I need to switch techniques in this patch, I will further experiment and report back!
Forgot to add, that when detaching the ord to enum, the technique still reads (nil) but it compiles and works, with the first technique
Just got this error when transfering a patch between machines,
00:01:01 ERR : error blitting bitmap into texture!
00:01:01 * : [event.call: error occured in TMGDIRendererNode](event.call: error occured in TMGDIRendererNode): Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0042FBA2 in Modul ‘vvvv.exe’. Lesen von Adresse 757A7475
This time its the gdi renderer thats broken!
Seems abit personal!
Im just rendering text to a quad for use as a text overlay, on the interface, the quad appeared white, on loading the patch, when you try and open the renderer, you get the border but nothing in the window area.
I think I’ve found my booger…
Its a problem I had before and worked around, now the workaround doesnt work!
I switch xfiles for some events, I had a problem where the xfile wouldnt load when you opened the patch, so I added a text switch to switch the file name when I need that xfile file, problem solved. However now the xfile node wont load the xfile even when the switch is removed (it goes to a switch node as well before reaching the shader)
Ahh I had subpatch all my xfile switching, it seems that the xfile node works when directly conneted, but doesnt when coming out of the subpatch even via an io box.
I’ve just made a simple test patch and it works, except for the disconnected xfile which needs the reload pin banging before it loads. Hmmm, I report back if I get any more leads, or ideas!