Dynamic files inside vvvv folder?

Hallo, is it safe to share the vvvv folder among computers, say with Dropbox, so all computer share the same version of vvvv, packs, etc. ?

I use a folder structure like this, I took it from folder structure example here: Project Templates | vvvv

it works great for this kind og installations

I use a slightly different batch script:

@echo off

echo Starting

echo -------------------------------------
timeout 5

start %~dp0\vvvv_50beta36_x64\vvvv.exe /allowmultiple /shutup /o %~dp0\vvvv_patches\Main.v4p

This way I am certain to use the right version of vvvv, with the correct packs and such

Yes I do pretty much the same, but my question was: are there dinamically changed or created/deleted files inside the vvvv folder during runtime? And may that be an issue if I shre the same folder among computers?

for that, I have had a separate dropbox folder, and have checked for new content and then used robocopy to synchronize that folder with the real assets folder.

Hi. I had some troubles having vvvv folder in dropbox, it’s just stops to working at some point.

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