DX9 Primitives not rendering

Hey guys

I have sort of a weird problem. I got a new laptop, a Samsung NC10 Mini Laptop, and even though this one has all of the specs as my Toshiba NB 100 it somehow won’t render DX9 Primitives… quads, segments, gridsegments and so forth.

I know I shouldn’t hope for anything spectacular (no pun intended) with these laptops ;), but it should at least be able to show primitives…

The crack.exe says everything is installed correctly.


helo clown,

i guess this is related to Beta26 quad\renderer error on intel gma: couldn't draw vertexbuffer. E_FAIL - bug - Forum

please try b25.1 for now…

Hello to you too, sir.

Yes it is, and I will. Thank you.