Hi, I’m trying to visualize big pontclouds in 4v, I uploaded a contributions a few days ago called Large PLY Point cloud Reader, I was pretty happy about it, 2M points, but latter talking to @velcrome he told me about the ChunkSteam module of the DX11.Particles contribution, I did not see that!, and I was told that more than 20M points can be loaded, so I give it a try,and here is the issue… I want to load the whole point cloud at once, I made a small modification on the chunk loader to load the 8 chunks and keep it alive, and I’m getting less than half of the framerate compared to the method that I uploaded. Yeah there are 2 complete different things, dx11.particles is way more complex and lots and lots of things can be done using that data stricture, but what if I want to only visualize those point and try to get the highest frame rate to use it on a dk2 vr headset, what can I modify on the patch to make it more efficient ?
I’m uploading the 2 different approach, any tip will be apreciated!
You need to download the contribution Large PLY DX11 Pointcloud Reader | vvvv
in order to use the Node177.ply file, and you need to import the file on the ChunkStreamExample.v4p and once its loaded, click on Write, save the patch and reload.
Pointclouds.zip (47.5 KB)