I’m having an issue reading back values from a compute shader.
It works fine with the general readback buffer node, but if I try using the readback (value) node, (to try to optimise performance) I get a correct spreadcount, but all values are 0.
patch attached
readback buffer issue.v4p (16.3 kB)
Fixed in https://github.com/mrvux/dx11-vvvv/blob/latest-b31.2/Core/VVVV.DX11.Lib/BaseNodes/ReadBackStructNode.cs
sweet, thanks.
Is there any way to use that in a dynamic plugin?
I tried building the current dx11 bundle from github and it built fine but vvvv didn’t load with it installed
I’m sure I saw the readback node as a dynamic plugin some time ago
it was Pipet vs Compute Pipet - question - Forum, but an updated version of the plugin is now part of vux’ dx1-vvvv on github
Thanks Sebl.
I tried building the latest dx11 and it built fine but vvvv wouldn’t lod with the pack installed. Used latest alpha vvvv.
Have you got it working?