Hi people,
I’m experiencing a pretty bad thing: drag(3D) computes X & Y dimensions but modified Z are not transmitted to output pin…
Thanks a lot
Drag bug.rar (7.7 kB)
Hi people,
I’m experiencing a pretty bad thing: drag(3D) computes X & Y dimensions but modified Z are not transmitted to output pin…
Thanks a lot
Drag bug.rar (7.7 kB)
What I see is you are sending your ‘re-ordered’ Z-values to Initial position pin… so that only takes effect when you RESET the module, and even that can not work, because resetting the module switches back to another pre-set.
What are you planning to do here I wonder? Making a ‘selected quad’ always appear on top?
Exactly West, but the thing I don’t understand is that X & Y values are kept by Drag module…
Do you know how can I do?