Downloading old betas

… doesn’t work. Tried it with 9.2 and some other…


iiaaaaa…still to come.

you can always get all resources from the previous site via our legacy subdomain:


just tried to get a vvvv_33beta15.1 from:


no success on both sites. The new site directs me to the front page, the old one tells me: You can not download files.
hmm. I think I will be able to recover the beta from a old disk.

Anyway it seems there is a something wrong with path…

yes, can’t download them either… some rights might be set wrong… let’s hope for a vvvvebmaster.

It would be nice if the addons packs were referenced from the same page as the beta is, or if there was a link to a similar addon page from the addon section of the download page too…

sory for late on this. all versions back to 33beta9.2 are now available again from the release listing.

@cat: likewise all addonpacks are listed here