Double Subpatches in Root Patch

What the heck is this? When I go to my root patch I have my “main” patch in there two times. I can even delete one of them, but when I restart vvvv it comes back. Any ideas?

did you save the root after deleting the second instance of your main patch?

Yes. And it works, wenn I open the root patch instead of my start patch.

so your root patch has one instance of your main patch saved in it. when you open vvvv that one instance opens. fine.

now as i understand, if instead you you’re dblclicking the main patch in explorer to open it you’re getting two instances of it: the one that you saved in the root patch and the other you just dblclicked. still fine i’d argue.

just get rid of the one in the root-patch if you’d rather dblclick to open it. if i’m misunderstanding please try to use more words to describe your problem.

Ok, thanks for the feedback so far.I’ll try to explain it in more detail.

I have a main patch with a renderer and stuff. Fine. At some point things got messed up. When I open that main patch by doublclicking it opens, but two times. The main patch opens two times, the renderer, too. Basically every subpatch. Please check the attached images.
When I go from my main patch to the parent root patch, I can see that there are two of the main patches inside. This looks like the cause of the problem. When I just delete one of the two patches it’s okay. But when I reopen the main patch via dblclck it’s messed up again like before.

When I just open the root patch by dblclcking everything is as expected and works.

Most likely I made a mistake somewhere, but I really can’t nail it down.


UPDATE: I just saved a version up and now everything is working again. That’s fine for me. So just take this as solved for now.

for the record: what you describe sounds all good and normal. it seems your root simply had the main patch saved in it. therefore opening the root opened one instance and opening the patch itself first opens the root with its instance and the opens the dblclicked patch in addition.

If it is difficult to figure out, you can replace the root.v4p in your vvvv folder, with the one in the vvvv zip file you download to install vvvv.