hello collected vvvisdom,
as a newbie i’d like to ask for help.
have this patch attached where i want to navigate in this text-cloud.
to be cool i wanted to give it the DOF touch. but i am stuck in ignorance.
i just cant figure how to utilize this DOF plugin by dottore…
thats for one.
then some more Q’s:
1.) can i do line-breaks in a textstring?
2.) how would i render connecting lines between the text-entries?
3.) i am texturing a quad with a alpha-channel video that should be always in front of the text…but it behaves erratic: sometimes it is in front sometimes not, don/t know what i am doing wrong there…
4.) whats the best way to preload video (is it the same as video load to ram?)
textcloudNoiseDOF.v4p (63.1 kB)