Hi vvvvolks,
I’m trying to convert an old patch made with v8.1 using Dissolve (texture transition). The problem is when I connect texture nodes to dissolve, nothing appear… Pretty anoying, isn’t it? Each separate file texture work well connected to the pillow, but both of 'em on the dissolve output nothing.
Hi JimCrow!
Very fine to see that somebody in fact tries to use these old modules.
like u7angel commented: thes have to be reworked for use with beta9 and later versions. unfortunately i did not have the time by now. once more i promise to do this in the nearer future (ahem…).
there was another bug (don’t know if this is necessary with later versions):
when there is no texture output with those modules:
opening the module with rightclick on its node
once for each renderer: rightclick on node to switch to “windowed mode” and then rightclick again for “hidden mode”. sometimes the renderers needed this for being activated.
Thanx a lot guy for taking the time to answer,
I gonna try all your advice and, since I use this node a lot, I think I gonna rework it and, if I’m satisfied, share it on the site.