Display the usb camera

Which is the best way to display the usb camera. Sounds very simple but i can’t find out how to make it work

I used videoin → videotexture → quad → renderer

Doesn’t work or i have the wrong settings on those nodes

Other thing i tried

Videoin → videoout but i can t find a way to open any display window


Some update

I can use Media player classic to display my webcam but it s not show in vvvv

Then i tried to use file stream and display the video and sound using

Filestream → videotexture → quad → renderer

Audio is coming in the speakers but still no video

I installed FFdshow (i don t really understand why…) I can see on the bottom right of my desktop showing up when i start the file stream

If that can help i m using parallele…

i still can t manage to display the video

“If that can help i m using parallele…”
you mean you are running parallels on a mac book?

that would very likely be the source of the problem then…what does Renderer (TTY) say if you open your patch?

anybody else with parallels experience?

Yes i’m using parallele on a mac, so far everything is fine with it

Here is what Renderer TTY says when i open a videoOUT (Dshow9)

00:01:10 ERR : Either DirectDraw has not been installed or the Video Card capabilities are not suitable. Make sure the display is not in 16 color mode.
00:01:10 * : couldn’t create some VMR9-filter
00:01:10 * : didn’t create node; [\.psf\Home\Desktop\vvvv_40beta20\girlpower\beta20helo.v4p, VideoOut (DShow9) (ID: 5)](\.psf\Home\Desktop\vvvv_40beta20\girlpower\beta20helo.v4p, VideoOut (DShow9) (ID: 5)): Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0072E59F in Modul ‘vvvv.exe’. Lesen von Adresse 00000000
00:01:10 * : couldn’t find/create node VideoOut (DShow9) (ID: 5) in patch \.psf\Home\Desktop\vvvv_40beta20\girlpower\beta20helo.v4p. deleting action.

Seems that there is a problem with my video drivers/directdraw…

Also here is what happen when i insert the VideoIN node

00:22:22 * : Adding node to filtergraph: VideoIn (DShow9)
00:22:22 : VideoIn (DShow9).Video → SmartTee.Capture
00:22:22 : VideoIn (DShow9).Preview → SmartTee.Preview
00:22:41 : Removing Filter: SmartTee
00:22:41 : Removing node: USB Video Device from filtergraph
00:22:41 : Removing node: SmartTee from filtergraph
00:22:42 * : Adding node to filtergraph: VideoIn (DShow9)
00:22:42 : VideoIn (DShow9).Video → SmartTee.Capture
00:22:42 : VideoIn (DShow9).Preview → SmartTee.Preview

Then on my FileStream → VideoTexture → Quad → Renderer

here is what renderer TTY say

00:03:33 : Adding node to filtergraph: FileStream (DShow9)
00:03:33 : FileStream (DShow9).Audio → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:03:33 : FileStream (DShow9).Midi → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:03:33 : FileStream (DShow9).Video → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:03:36 : Adding node to filtergraph: FileStream (DShow9)
00:03:36 : FileStream (DShow9).Audio → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:03:36 : FileStream (DShow9).Midi → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:03:36 : FileStream (DShow9).Video → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:04:00 - : Texture (Width: 1, Height: 1, Format: X8R8G8B8, Mip Map Count: 1) loaded in 0.356 seconds.
00:04:05 - : a resource loaded in 0.000 seconds.
00:04:05 - : a resource loaded in 0.000 seconds.
00:04:05 ERR : Either DirectDraw has not been installed or the Video Card capabilities are not suitable. Make sure the display is not in 16 color mode.
00:04:05 * : couldn’t create some VMR9-filter
00:04:05 ERR : Failed to initialize VideoTexture! Check for latest version of driver for your graphic card
00:04:05 : Adding node to filtergraph: FileStream (DShow9)
00:04:05 : FileStream (DShow9).Audio → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:04:05 : FileStream (DShow9).Midi → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:04:05 : FileStream (DShow9).Video → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output

After seeing what rendererTTY said i checked all my directDraw/DirectX/ Video driver…

Using DXdiagnostic it say
Directdraw enabled
Direct3D enabled
Agp texture Not available

So i assume there is a problem with the VMR9-filter and so far i have no solution


right, looks like a driver problem. i think there is nothing vvvv can do unless you find a suitable driver.