April 15, 2009, 1:48pm
Which is the best way to display the usb camera. Sounds very simple but i can’t find out how to make it work
I used videoin → videotexture → quad → renderer
Doesn’t work or i have the wrong settings on those nodes
Other thing i tried
Videoin → videoout but i can t find a way to open any display window
April 15, 2009, 2:31pm
Some update
I can use Media player classic to display my webcam but it s not show in vvvv
Then i tried to use file stream and display the video and sound using
Filestream → videotexture → quad → renderer
Audio is coming in the speakers but still no video
I installed FFdshow (i don t really understand why…) I can see on the bottom right of my desktop showing up when i start the file stream
If that can help i m using parallele…
i still can t manage to display the video
April 15, 2009, 5:39pm
“If that can help i m using parallele…”
you mean you are running parallels on a mac book?
that would very likely be the source of the problem then…what does Renderer (TTY) say if you open your patch?
anybody else with parallels experience?
April 16, 2009, 6:27am
Yes i’m using parallele on a mac, so far everything is fine with it
Here is what Renderer TTY says when i open a videoOUT (Dshow9)
00:01:10 ERR : Either DirectDraw has not been installed or the Video Card capabilities are not suitable. Make sure the display is not in 16 color mode.
00:01:10 * : couldn’t create some VMR9-filter
00:01:10 * : didn’t create node; [\.psf\Home\Desktop\vvvv_40beta20\girlpower\beta20helo.v4p, VideoOut (DShow9) (ID: 5)](\.psf\Home\Desktop\vvvv_40beta20\girlpower\beta20helo.v4p, VideoOut (DShow9) (ID: 5)): Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0072E59F in Modul ‘vvvv.exe’. Lesen von Adresse 00000000
00:01:10 * : couldn’t find/create node VideoOut (DShow9) (ID: 5) in patch \.psf\Home\Desktop\vvvv_40beta20\girlpower\beta20helo.v4p. deleting action.
Seems that there is a problem with my video drivers/directdraw…
Also here is what happen when i insert the VideoIN node
00:22:22 * : Adding node to filtergraph: VideoIn (DShow9)
00:22:22 : VideoIn (DShow9).Video → SmartTee.Capture
00:22:22 : VideoIn (DShow9).Preview → SmartTee.Preview
00:22:41 : Removing Filter: SmartTee
00:22:41 : Removing node: USB Video Device from filtergraph
00:22:41 : Removing node: SmartTee from filtergraph
00:22:42 * : Adding node to filtergraph: VideoIn (DShow9)
00:22:42 : VideoIn (DShow9).Video → SmartTee.Capture
00:22:42 : VideoIn (DShow9).Preview → SmartTee.Preview
Then on my FileStream → VideoTexture → Quad → Renderer
here is what renderer TTY say
00:03:33 : Adding node to filtergraph: FileStream (DShow9)
00:03:33 : FileStream (DShow9).Audio → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:03:33 : FileStream (DShow9).Midi → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:03:33 : FileStream (DShow9).Video → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:03:36 : Adding node to filtergraph: FileStream (DShow9)
00:03:36 : FileStream (DShow9).Audio → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:03:36 : FileStream (DShow9).Midi → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:03:36 : FileStream (DShow9).Video → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:04:00 - : Texture (Width: 1, Height: 1, Format: X8R8G8B8, Mip Map Count: 1) loaded in 0.356 seconds.
00:04:05 - : a resource loaded in 0.000 seconds.
00:04:05 - : a resource loaded in 0.000 seconds.
00:04:05 ERR : Either DirectDraw has not been installed or the Video Card capabilities are not suitable. Make sure the display is not in 16 color mode.
00:04:05 * : couldn’t create some VMR9-filter
00:04:05 ERR : Failed to initialize VideoTexture! Check for latest version of driver for your graphic card
00:04:05 : Adding node to filtergraph: FileStream (DShow9)
00:04:05 : FileStream (DShow9).Audio → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:04:05 : FileStream (DShow9).Midi → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
00:04:05 : FileStream (DShow9).Video → \.psf\Home\Desktop\vmt-martyrs-xvid.avi.Output
After seeing what rendererTTY said i checked all my directDraw/DirectX/ Video driver…
Using DXdiagnostic it say
Directdraw enabled
Direct3D enabled
Agp texture Not available
So i assume there is a problem with the VMR9-filter and so far i have no solution
April 16, 2009, 11:33am
right, looks like a driver problem. i think there is nothing vvvv can do unless you find a suitable driver.