Dimmer and fluorescent lamps

I would like to control and dim by V4 110x fluorescent lamps. Its going to be installed for at least 5-7 years, so Im looking for reliable equipment and I’ve got budget for it.

-Do you have recommendations for dimmers for slow changing lights (DMX, Dali or LON)? Lamps power supply will have 0-10 volts input.
-Are there some good adapters or cards to connect to PC?
-Is there a cable length limitation?

-Or in short, does somebody did a similar scenario and how did you solve it? As this is my first time with lights and V4 any advice and recommendation is highly appreciated. Thanks

hi franck,
in theatre we’re using Digipack with adapted dimmer law for the reaction of the fluorescents. usually the avab way is to have a trans that is a sort of preheater, that enables you to dim fluorescent lights very smoothly. if you want to control them separetly it will make a cost in dmx…

have a check also here:[http://www.robertjuliat.fr/ProductsGB/FLUO_BATTENSpreview_vGB.html|http://www.robertjuliat.fr/ProductsGB/FLUO_BATTENSpreview_vGB.html
], its very efficient.

i had by the past have sucess by cabling in serial several standard-not designed for theatre- fluorescent together. and especially those in DC alimentation. but i m not sure at all that this way do reach the needs and exigence of today.

There are many DMX Demultiplexers available, which will convert DMX to 0…10V so you can mount these DMX Demultiplexers directly to your dimmers.
Then connect the DMX to the Enttec Artnet DMX interface and just run a Ethernet cable from the lamps to your PC.

Lamps power supply will have 0-10 volts input.

are you sure ?
isn’t it usually 1-10 volts ?

do not confuse those. this are two complete different techniques which aren’t compatible at all.

for fixed installations you may apprecciate DINrail equipment, i have good experiences herewith:

here you see
1 Inputmodule
8 Outputmodules
achieving control about 72 channels 1-10 V


Hello Frank

During the winter 2006-07 and 2007-08 I worked on the project of Lumolith in Switzerland.
It is a tower of glass of 70m height, divided into six stages and in the corners of each stage a LUCINA 4 was installed (4 TUBES FLUO LIGHT, RGB and White).

The LUCINA 4 is comparable with the QUADRI 741 of Robert Juliat. The difference is that dimmer module and it DMX are built-in the apparatus, electricity comes from the sector (230V) and the wiring of the DMX is in series (or not).

The dimming from 0 to 100% functions relatively well, not of effects “strobo” in the first percents.

They are apparatuses of good quality, I used them during periods from 3 to 4 months and I did not have a concern for this side!


Ohh, big thanks to all.
I have to go through all this informations now. And yes Kalle its 1-10 Volts, I didnt get it right.