there is surely something enormous i m missing,
but trying to update the vvvv folders with tortoise dont give me acces, fetching list doesnt work, neither do i have access to ok button…
please exactly follow the detailed explanation offered on HowTo VVVVPlugins and especially note that our repository does not use CVS but the much more comfortable SVN for which you just need TortoiseSVN.
hi joreg, first thanks to reply … really… you are working all the week Joreg !
confusion with tortoise is finished now … so everything is OK with tortoise SVN and i m compiling without any trouble …
i have a set of other dummies question ;-)
(hope you will be patient)
so either your input is a bool type 0/1, or an int, you put double for min and max ?
no other type, thats right ? manipulation to round the input as boolean index is done by me in the mainloop/evaluate ?
bang type: hum setting back the bang entry to 0 is possible ?
so either your input is a bool type 0/1, or an int, you put double for min and max ?
if you want a bool or bang use 0 for min and 1 for max. don’t forget to specify a stepsize of 1!
for all other values you may specify any other double as min/max/stepsize/default. note that vvvv-typical stepsize is 0.01
no other type, thats right ? manipulation to round the input as boolean index is done by me in the mainloop/evaluate ?
as boolean index? i don’t understand. but yes, via any of the GetValue() functions on the pin you always get a double which you have to booleanize yourself. note that here vvvv-logic says: if value >= 0.5 it is true, else false.
bang type: hum setting back the bang entry to 0 is possible ?
not sure what you mean. when rightclicking a bang input it fires once and sets itself back to 0. still the user _can somehow set a constant 1 on such a pin. that is by design and should be handled by the nodewriter.