Hallo I am converting a Pano texture to a Cubemap Texture with PanoToCube, but how to get a plain texture to apply to a cube?
I want to apply the texture to a 3 face object, like an half cube, front, left and right.
Cubemaps don’t like flat objects
mmm a renderer is a flat object all in all, maybe I can just try to get the texture out from a cubemap renderer and apply it to a flat object…
Its better to think of a cubemap texture as an amalgam of 6 textures. Those are the six sides of a cube, as seen from the very center of the cube: from inside!
so what you want to do is project the cubemap back onto your cube (or any other mesh), from a central point into all directions. CubeMap (DX11.Effect) is a good starter.
well there is a problem with it, that it’s not gonna work in Normals Technique, witch io’s expecting i think, there should be another way of applying it.
Need to test feeding the vertex positions in to the texture cords, might be sufficient for a box…
Hallo I tried just to feed the cubemap renderer to a 3 faced object with proper UV mapping and it is fine, of course the view is not perfect depending from where the camera is placed but I am trying to recreate a real situation and it will never be perfect for all spectators.
Hallo I tried just to feed the cubemap renderer to a 3 faced object with proper UV mapping and it is fine, of course the view is not perfect depending from where the camera is placed but I am trying to recreate a real situation and it will never be perfect for all spectators.
well that’s how it works with flat surfaces…
need further investigation tho…
cubetest.rar (1.9 kB)