I’pretty stuck with geometry (once again). All I’m trying, is to make a box, just like the dx11 primitive. But my geometry is scrambled, and I can’t figure out, which coordinates to feed in for the uvs. For the geometry-cracks in the community this shouldn’t be a hard task, I guess.
Okay… I found an annoying solution, not with IndexedGeometryBuffer, but with GeometryBuffer instead. Contains a lot of manual Get- and SetSlicing. Here it is. If anybody comes up with a better Solution, I still would love to get some hints.
thanks for the help. I’m so scared of shader programming, that it didn’t even come to my mind. That’s good idea. With your solution any geometry could be modified. Would you happen to know a way, where you just need to modify one point to move all connected vertices? Or would you do that vvvv?