Hello, I am integrating a C# SDK, Nuitrack, as a plugin. Everything is working fine when I was writing codes and testing it on a existing empty patch. However, once I saved my finished patch and re-open it, I got the following error: “Could not obtain OLE control window handle”. Do you have any idea of this happening?
Here is the Exception Log:
Exception log with detailed tech info. Generated on 15/1/2019 3:41:12 PM.
You may send it to the application vendor, helping him to understand what had happened.
Application title: SSSS
Application file: C:\adam\vvvv\vvvv_50beta38.1_x64\vvvv.exe
Exception class: EOleError
Exception message: Could not obtain OLE control window handle.
Exception address: 00000000006A4FB8
Main thread ID = 9224
Exception thread ID = 9224
Exception stack
Stack list, generated 15/1/2019 3:41:12 PM
[00000000006A4FB8]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.OleCtrls.TOleControl.HookControlWndProc (Line 1490, “Vcl.OleCtrls.pas” + 6)
[00000000006A3A3D]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.OleCtrls.TOleControl.CreateWnd (Line 871, “Vcl.OleCtrls.pas” + 9)
[00000000004E5FB4]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.CreateHandle (Line 9479, “Vcl.Controls.pas” + 5)
[00000000004EBF0E]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.HandleNeeded (Line 12026, “Vcl.Controls.pas” + 6)
[00000000004EBF02]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.HandleNeeded (Line 12024, “Vcl.Controls.pas” + 4)
[00000000004DB0D5]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Controls.TControlCanvas.CreateHandle (Line 5039, “Vcl.Controls.pas” + 33)
[00000000004AF02E]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Graphics.TCanvas.RequiredState (Line 4190, “Vcl.Graphics.pas” + 7)
[00000000004AEC51]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Graphics.TCanvas.TextExtent (Line 4087, “Vcl.Graphics.pas” + 2)
[00000000004AD2D4]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Graphics.TCustomCanvas.TextWidth (Line 3638, “Vcl.Graphics.pas” + 2)
[00000000007AD3E1]{vvvv.exe } UserNameControl.TMUserNameControl.SetInfo (Line 54, “UserNameControl.pas” + 9)
[00000000007AEA30]{vvvv.exe } IOViewComponent.TMIOComponent.SetUserName (Line 328, “IOViewComponent.pas” + 15)
[00000000009DC5A5]{vvvv.exe } Nodes.TMIONode.CreateComponent (Line 2119, “Nodes.pas” + 5)
[00000000008C9686]{vvvv.exe } IONodes.TMValueNode.CreateComponent (Line 583, “IONodes.pas” + 11)
[00000000009DB23E]{vvvv.exe } Nodes.TMBigNode.DoShowComponent (Line 1804, “Nodes.pas” + 4)
[00000000009DB20B]{vvvv.exe } Nodes.TMBigNode.ShowComponent (Line 1797, “Nodes.pas” + 19)
[00000000009DAFD6]{vvvv.exe } Nodes.TMBigNode.DoSetComponentMode (Line 1713, “Nodes.pas” + 11)
[00000000009DAF6B]{vvvv.exe } Nodes.TMBigNode.SetComponentMode (Line 1697, “Nodes.pas” + 4)
[00000000009411A4]{vvvv.exe } PatchFactory.TMPatch.CreateComponent (Line 2995, “PatchFactory.pas” + 7)
[00000000009DB23E]{vvvv.exe } Nodes.TMBigNode.DoShowComponent (Line 1804, “Nodes.pas” + 4)
[00000000009412B9]{vvvv.exe } PatchFactory.TMPatch.DoShowComponent (Line 3020, “PatchFactory.pas” + 6)
[00000000009DB20B]{vvvv.exe } Nodes.TMBigNode.ShowComponent (Line 1797, “Nodes.pas” + 19)
[00000000009DAFD6]{vvvv.exe } Nodes.TMBigNode.DoSetComponentMode (Line 1713, “Nodes.pas” + 11)
[00000000009DAF6B]{vvvv.exe } Nodes.TMBigNode.SetComponentMode (Line 1697, “Nodes.pas” + 4)
[00000000009DAEA2]{vvvv.exe } Nodes.TMBigNode.PerformAction (Line 1681, “Nodes.pas” + 26)
[0000000000940FEB]{vvvv.exe } PatchFactory.TMPatch.PerformAction (Line 2956, “PatchFactory.pas” + 31)
[000000000093FCFC]{vvvv.exe } PatchFactory.TMPatch.PerformNodeActions (Line 2664, “PatchFactory.pas” + 90)
[0000000000940F7A]{vvvv.exe } PatchFactory.TMPatch.PerformAction (Line 2937, “PatchFactory.pas” + 12)
[00000000009380D2]{vvvv.exe } PatchFactory.TMPatchClass.PerformActionOnInstances (Line 1011, “PatchFactory.pas” + 1)
[0000000000938E96]{vvvv.exe } PatchFactory.TMPatchClass.PerformAction (Line 1219, “PatchFactory.pas” + 163)
[0000000000936681]{vvvv.exe } PatchFactory.TMPatchFactory.PerformAction (Line 578, “PatchFactory.pas” + 21)
[00000000009373E9]{vvvv.exe } PatchFactory.TMPatchFactory.PerformAction (Line 809, “PatchFactory.pas” + 2)
[000000000096435A]{vvvv.exe } MainMenu.TMMainMenuFrame.CreateNode (Line 2321, “MainMenu.pas” + 117)
[0000000000964D16]{vvvv.exe } MainMenu.TMMainMenuFrame.CreateNode (Line 2427, “MainMenu.pas” + 9)
[00000000009617AE]{vvvv.exe } MainMenu.TMMainMenuFrame.OpenFile (Line 1442, “MainMenu.pas” + 49)
[0000000000970F93]{vvvv.exe } Main.TMMainForm.WndProc (Line 389, “Main.pas” + 40)
[00000000004E67A9]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9691, “Vcl.Controls.pas” + 5)
[000000000048BF16]{vvvv.exe } System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 13896, “System.Classes.pas” + 9)
[00007FFC76546CC1]{USER32.dll } Unknown function at CallWindowProcW
[00007FFC7654699C]{USER32.dll } Unknown function at CallWindowProcW
[00007FFC76550453]{USER32.dll } Unknown function at IsWindowVisible
[00007FFC7710DCA4]{ntdll.dll } KiUserCallbackDispatcher
[00007FFC744E10A4]{win32u.dll } NtUserPeekMessage
[00007FFC76548633]{USER32.dll } Unknown function at PeekMessageW
[00007FFC765485C5]{USER32.dll } PeekMessageW
[00000000005C67F1]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 10143, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 2)
[00000000005C6968]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 10194, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 1)
[00000000005C6E64]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 10332, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 26)
[0000000000D9604C]{vvvv.exe } vvvv.vvvv (Line 162, “” + 9)
[00007FFC766D3034]{KERNEL32.DLL} BaseThreadInitThunk
[00007FFC770E1551]{ntdll.dll } RtlUserThreadStart