Corrupt link inside "Reader (String)"

hi guys! Inside the Reader (String) I found couple of corrupt links, TTY shows this when I open the node (right-click)
What does it mean?

00:01:15 ERR : Corrupt link-message in Patch C:\Users\nic\Desktop\vvvv_45beta32.1_x64\lib\nodes\modules\String\Reader (String).v4p. ViewNodes not found!
00:01:15 ERR : Corrupt link-message in Patch C:\Users\nic\Desktop\vvvv_45beta32.1_x64\lib\nodes\modules\String\Reader (String).v4p. ViewNodes not found!

I’m curious because when working on big patch I always have a couple of this (it disappear usually after re-creating the links). Real question is: are this dangerous? Can let the patch crash?

corruptlink.v4p (1.1 kB)

…and 4 Corrupt link also inside Writer (String)!

hi Luper this is not really an issue, as vvvv manages this kind of error - though a few times I had to fix the errors to have patches running again.
It is usually generated by a tag containing references to no longer existing srcnodeid \ dsnodeid - though there are different issues causing it.
System.Xml.XmlException - question - Forum, here I asked for some help for a patch I made, able to find this kind of errors and correct them.
If I remember correctly, there are around 150 patches with this kind of “problem”, and I’m patching the workaround for the issue I exposed there.

please check the upcoming alphas for a command that runs through all open patches.

check “Cleanup Corrupt Links” in menu