Alright, also picking up on @sableRaph’s idea; a new copycat challenge!
I’m going to the great Raven Kwok (check out his work if you don’t know it already)
Same rules as usual: reproduce the original as faithfully as possible without looking at the source code (if available). Post your result here, as a gif and patch.
I don’t know if this one is too much work, I’m trying with the RoundRect node…
Few bits of interest for people who want to study the patch:
Move to dx11
Replace the treemap by quadtree (since treemap doesn’t make much sense as it produces rectangles, whereas original is squares only)
Make animations properly timed (so can set start end times for rotation, explode and move back)
Explosion and move back uses tweeners and time only, to avoid time based filters.
Use Rasterizer for Depth Bias, so no need to tweak z (also Slope Scaled depth bias is important in that case, to amplify some parts)
Use a single roundrect, and reapply inner/outer radius in vertex shader instead, so can use instancing (and avoids rebuilding 1000 round rects every frame, which is insanely slow)
PS: Animation is not seamleass here as would have needed to record a longer gif, but the patch version is
Just did a dx11 shader that intersects quad and circle, which looks a bit different as the roundrect. Didn’t bother about the rest. Use it if you like!
it’s just an experiment without a proper repo. the code is here for now: dx11-vvvv/ShaderGraph at shaderGraphTest · gregsn/dx11-vvvv · GitHub and yes i know that there are already texturefx and instance noodles and all these wonderful modular node sets for programming the gpu. so it’s really just a stupid experiment… edit: no it is not based on FunctionLinkingGraph. i wasn’t aware of that. it compiles to hlsl directly.