Hi everyone!
Since last week, I’ve been learning vvvv from scratch, directly from the source. Thanks Joreg and all the vvvv team!
There’s a little game I like to play when learning a creative coding language: take an interesting geometric animation and try to replicate it in code. I call this the Easy Copycat Game (there is a Hard Copycat Game, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves :D )
This is the challenge from last week, which was only posted in the shoutbox: it’s called “Circle Core” and was made in Processing by Michael Pinn.
Try to get as close as possible to the original and post your results here! Do not look at the code! Hint: it’s more complex than it looks! The best ones will win infinite admiration and eternal bragging rights ;)
Source: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/374249
More from Michael Pinn: https://www.openprocessing.org/user/39442
See also Copycat Challenge #2: Copycat challenge #2 - general - Forum