I want to use VVVV for sending string data of some music through udp.
Later on, I will use different application to import the data with udp reciever, but that is not what concerns me.
What concerns me is how can I send that string data of music file (.mp3 .wma …, the file format is not important) through udp?
A friend of mine told me, that I need to use component that is called “fft”, and it will convert the the data into strings. Then I need to send string data through udp.(using the udp sender).
Ehh… what kind of data are you talking about? The actual audio or some extracted information, like the FFT? How do you want to send it, all in one go or ‘real time’ streaming? What is the goal? You got a patch showing what you want to send? Is the receiving end demanding anything specific?
The node you wanne use with UDP is a + (String Spectral), so you can make 1 string out of a spread.
A friend of mine (well not exactly a friend, I met this guy 5 days ago over the internet) has a patch, but he is not willing to share it with me. He just told me what I need to do in VVVV:
I want to import a music into VVVV. I do not know what is the difference between the actual audio or some extracted information, like the FFT.
But in general I want to input some music file. To do that I need a component that is called fft, and which will enable me converting data into strings.
Now, I am using a different application (called Grasshopper) which has a “udp reciever” and which will will accept the data from the VVVV “udp sender”.
hi lola, first you need to learn a bit vvvv. Using vvvv needs time, especially for a project. A hop-hop-hop approach always leads to troubles.
But i m still not understanding why people are not sharing so simple things.
You should first familiarize yourself with filestream node using it as audio player.
then call FFT (DSHow94Channels) node click it and press F1 to have the demo patch. you will see that fft has an audio in and outputs data in 4 global outputs, based on Low, Mid low, Mid high and high. its by default listeningaudio mix of your computer, so you can use a filestream node to play sound, or any other player it should work.
if you go inside the yousefull FFT Analysis node, you will find the coplete FFT outputs on a 256 spread. Thats where you can peak more precise data with getslice, on one “frequency”.
But usually, the 4 band output of FFT Analyser is enough.
Thats for the data.
then you have to convert this value, expressed in floating point in a string to send it in UDP. This is format value wich will help you.
Notice that you may also send your data without osc code, directly in udp. depends on how you will read it in Rhino
West thank you for the reply, but I am looking for the same effect, but in Grasshopper. The music will be imported in vvvv, and the mesh result will be presented in Grasshopper, like exactly on this video:
Did you get it to work? I am getting into UDP and VVV; I was wondering how hard it was to complete your task because I am trying to do the same task. I saw the same video and duplicate, with the thought that I would use it for other digital tasks.