Contours + fullscreen

hi all,

the contour node works fine, until i switch the renderer to fullscreen. whenever this happens, the renderer shows up nothing else than black until i restart vvvv. seems to be a direct show problem, because vvvv doesn’t get a signal from the graph any more then.
any further ideas?



can be the waitforframe issue.

set waitforframe on the videotexture to something like 100ms. so the videotexture will wait up to 100ms to receive a new frame from directshow.
if you dont wait, the processor might be so busy processing vvvv, that windows doesnt give any time to directshow anymore.


stumbled over this too.

Contour only seems to work when connected to renderer in window- or boxed mode or if directly connected to a VideoOut node. When renderer is in hidden or fullscreen node Contour stops working.

When trying to switch to hidden mode tty Renderer says:
00:00:28 ERR : Der Vorgang konnte nicht ausgeführt werden, da der Filterstatus falsch ist.
00:00:28 : Removing node: Video Mixing Renderer 9 from filtergraph

Trying to switch to Fullscreen:
00:00:15 : Adding node to filtergraph: VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9)
00:00:15 : VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9).Video → Video Mixing Renderer 9.VMR Input0
00:00:15 : Connecting from: FF (FreeFrame Dshow9).Video Output to: VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9).Video
00:00:15 : ds connect from: XForm Out to: VMR Input0
00:00:15 : Es wurden keine Zwischenfilter für die Herstellung der Verbindung gefunden.
00:00:15 * : Failed connecting Pins
00:00:15 : Removing node: Video Mixing Renderer 9 from filtergraph
00:00:16 : Adding node to filtergraph: VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9)
00:00:16 : VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9).Video → Video Mixing Renderer 9.VMR Input0
00:00:16 : Connecting from: FF (FreeFrame Dshow9).Video Output to: VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9).Video
00:00:16 : ds connect from: XForm Out to: VMR Input0
00:00:16 : Es wurden keine Zwischenfilter für die Herstellung der Verbindung gefunden.
00:00:16 * : Failed connecting Pins
00:00:16 : Connecting from: FF (FreeFrame Dshow9).Video Output to: VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9).Video
00:00:16 : ds connect from: XForm Out to: VMR Input0
00:00:16 : Es wurden keine Zwischenfilter für die Herstellung der Verbindung gefunden.
00:00:16 * : Failed connecting Pins
00:00:19 ERR : Der Vorgang konnte nicht ausgeführt werden, da der Filter nicht abgebrochen wurde.
00:00:19 : Removing node: Video Mixing Renderer 9 from filtergraph

Changing the settings for waitforframe does not have any effect to this.

Trautner is working without these problems.



right. video is only running when its output is visible. a hidden renderer after a videotexture node does currently not make the video run. sorry for the inconvenience…

contours in fullscreen works for me, at least on my laptop. so once again hard to guess the problem. the error-messages suggest that the directshow-graph cannot be set up because of missing filters. this is obviously a wrong trail since you say everything is fine as long as the renderer is in windowed mode.

i have another machine to test…later.

hmm … did some more testing after your post that you do not see the problems.

the “contour fullscreen and hidden problems” mainly seem to exist if AsVideo is the source for contour (like in the help patch).

With FileStream and VideoIn fullscreen and hidden is working much better although there are also some strange effects/problems that I can not clearly describe and reproduce by now.


ok. i saw that now and fixed it. thanks for noting.