does anyone know how to change the colour/shade of a connector. i’ve looked everywhere but can’t seem to find how.
does anyone know how to change the colour/shade of a connector. i’ve looked everywhere but can’t seem to find how.
I don’t think it’s possible.
Btw you can lighten/darken your patch with ctrl+6/7.
thanks for the swift reply. I’ve definitely seen some patches where the connectors have been a very light grey…
the ctrl+6/7 tip is very helpful. thanks.
I figured it out my strng+clicking every letter on the keyboard!
ctrl+H does it
yeah H is for hide…
try to lock the patch afterwards with ctrl-E…
what are connectors?
if you think of _node_s try ctrl-h on a selected node.
the connectors are the cables right? AKA links?
i thought nodes were the objects.
aaaaaaah, you mean _link_s.
yes, _link_s also can be greyed with CTRL-H