yes. RS232 (Devices) is the way to go. make sure to have hyperterminal closed or offline when using vvvv to access the serial port, as ports can not be shared.
Thanks. Well i have got it to say its connected, and the phone itself illustrates it is paired too. however nothing seems to get through to the phone. I have little knowledge of the various settings on the rs232 node, but have changed them to mirror the settings that hyperterminal worked with, yet still the phone doesnt respond to any commands i send it.
Is there something im missing?
difficult to say, but note there is a difference between connecting/pairing on the bluetooth level, and connecting on the (lower) rs232 level. the former does not imply the latter.
what hyperterminal settings are you using?
what vvvv settings are you using?
what phone are you using?
yeah i think there is. Because it isn’t a real serial port, but a virtual one. (I think)
for hyperterminal i use COM31,
baud rate: 115200,
data bits: 8,
parity: none,
stop bits: 1,
and flow control: hardware.
The phone responds to commands sent by this.
for vvvv ive just started using 40beta17 (i hadnt updated in a while) and on the rs232 node im using
baud rate: 115200,
data bits: 8bits,
stop bits: 1bits,
parity: none,
software handshaking: none,
hardware handshaking: none,
enabled: 1 (yeah i think this ones set right :P)
and comport: COM31
after setting the setting pins i toggle the enabled node, it connects to the phone, and i bang the “do send” pin, with IObox(string)s (the former with an AT command in) attached to the input pin and output pin.
i never get confirmation from the output pin (like in hyperterminal), nor does the phone respond, despite it being connected.
I have been looking at what my ports are actually doing.
having inspected with a port sniffer, it was evident something was going wrong
with hyperterminal, it would send a one letter message every time you pushed a key, and the phone would confirm this by echoing it.
however, with vvvv, after opening the port, vvvv continually attempted to receive information, but kept timing out (20 times a second) it did send the commands, but as a whole, rather than character by character
i attempted to emulate this (with alot of complicated framedelay nodes) but vvvv was so quick at listening on the port, it interupted half way between messages.
hyperterm looked like this
pc: a
phone: a
pc: t
phone: t
then you would get a reply