here few more thoughts on the topic
if you use ethernet, rPI +usb cam:
OPTION 1, using a switch:
you can downscale to 47 cams (47 cams + 1 host PC) connected by ethernet cables
you will need a some sort of 50 port gigabit ethernet switch: here a x48 port one for 377 euro Kabel Onlineshop mit Top-Preisen - Kab24 GmbH Eppelheim bei Heidelberg
47 rPIs (38 euro each) 1786 euro
47 USB cams: here a list of usb cams supported by rPI: RPi USB Webcams -
let’s assume a budget of 30 euro per cam, this makes around 1500
48 x ethernet cables: that’s around 250 euro
you can make each rPI to trigger the next by sending its image, some sort of circular “mesh” network ( and avoid the ethernet switch, and stack the images in a mjpeg file, that’s already video ;) so, every node, adds a frame, so to say,
the last node is the output PC running VVVV and there is a patch that can read & display mjpeg stream
so all together you end up somewhere around 4000 euro, which is very much an estimation, excluding the host PC that will process all the images and do the sync(option 1) and the final visualisation
in both options there will be some varying in the timing due to the ethernet latency, but may be it will be acceptable
You will need a small saving an image program on trigger sent by UDP, I guess such a program is rather easy to make
Edit: if you want to do more precise sync, you can use one of the the GPIO of the rPIs to trigger the shot on precise time point
just my 5cents
good luck and regards