Configuration computer hardware

what configuration do you recommend for a computer to start a test player in vvvv patch with 2 Full HD output and an XGA output?

I had seen: i7, SSD 60gb, 8GB ram and n.2 nvidia gtx560, win7 64bit, what do you think? there should be no dropper or clicks!


Howmany files played at same time and what is the average duration and max duration ?

3 different movies played together, which lasted nine minutes each, I thought of using wmv, what do you think?

I did a test on a i7, 6GB RAM, No. 2 gtx 260, HD 7200, all three of the windows renderer go in spurts and there are dropped.
help me, please!

Set your mainloop to 65fps for and back ground
make sure videotexture node wait for frame is set to 0 ← this will probably be the thing tha fixes it
an ssd may help.

For 3 outputs I would say maybe use a ati gfx card which will allow spanned monitors, or a triple head, multiple renders can be slower…

pfiou… are you sure you codec is a pure wmv ?

Or windows xp with spanmode…