Config (VVVV Node)

i need your opinions.

do you understand how to use this “out of the box”?
the UI may need som improvement: what are your suggestions?

needs still some cleanup, i know…

Config (VVVV Node).zip (55.6 kB)

already an update:

better take this one.

Config (VVVV Node).zip (48.4 kB)

uh, what a night.
pretty comfortable now.

please check.

Config (VVVV Node) (120.8 kB)

My first impression: pretty cool. It looks very useful.
I think having senseful presets makes it a not-missing patch.

“HoverFrame (GUI²) help” and “Cross (GUI²) help” and “TextBox (GUI² GDI) help” contain some wrong paths to subpatches. and the whole thing likes my cpu so much that it hugs 25-50% at any given time.

apart from those nitpicks: unbelievable! amazing! and completely over the top! if there was a grail for “most sophisticated gui extension of vvvv patched inside vvvv”, it would come flying at you very hard right now ;)

i don’t think i have a machine that can afford to keep this running in the background, and neither do i like to think about my personal presets for 700+ nodes, but: i can imagine how this streamlines the process of gurus like yourself :) congratulations! the nights paid of well ;)