i´m trying to make a list of 4096 integers from 1 to 16 sorted in groups of 8, every group must to be different to the other and in every group the values must to be differents.
For example,
1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 = 15,13,11,9,7,5,3,1
the order is irrelevant.
any idea would be great, my maths over permutations and combinations are limited.
pd: it would be great to add a integer/float pin in the randomspread node, like in the random node.
i know in max/msp there is a couple of ways to do it.
I guess this one does what tonfilm suggested. It uses fewer nodes than @velcrome s approach, but I think there is a possibility of equal sets.
Would be nice to have a spectral version of EQ (Spreads Sets) with binsize :)
@lasal: flag the first, then press the “Show full discussion” button that appeared between the posting and the first reply, then flag another solution.