i can try to connect the position of the box with a xz cordinata, and exemple: when the box is in o , o is black when is in 2, 7 i red, but i am trying to make it with the node value ( <,> ) but nothing…
can someone help me ?
i can try to connect the position of the box with a xz cordinata, and exemple: when the box is in o , o is black when is in 2, 7 i red, but i am trying to make it with the node value ( <,> ) but nothing…
can someone help me ?
sorry, but i’ve no idea what you’r trying to do… perhaps you want to upload a small patch that demonstrates your problem
this is the patch…
i want that the cube cross the x and y axis it change the color and when is the 0, 0 position is black…
noe for the cross the axis i have make but i don t know as connect the two getslide with the color in the phongdirectionl node…
colori xyz.v4p (27.6 kB)
Hi Ciso,
I think I have an idea of what you trying to do (see patch).
Your friend is switch or inputmorph.
Colorswitch on Event (25.4 kB)
hi philp…
thansk for the patch, with it i am trying to understand the logic…
i have an other question , how i can put many imput value in one node and have only one output ( like the switch color but ith many pin for the switch) to put it in the ambient color…
like this…
colori xyz_1.v4p (25.3 kB)