ColladaFile-settings don't affect it's skeleton?

hey all,

just a question in order to understand.

If I adjust the settings in the ColladaFile, the Skeleton won’t be affected - only the Skinning changes:

(If I have all the settings in the ColladaFile set to default, the hunter is well aligned with his skeleton)

I just wonder WHY the skeleton isn’t affected by changes in the ColladaFile-settings? It feels kind of strange to me and I guess I missed something…

thank you so much + all the best,

the skeleton node has lack of implementation. all i know that ur skeleton will be aligned to axis order of ur source aplication. Best results were achived by riggin in old maya 2008 with an old collada exporter.

yes, i had kind of the same feeling. BUT…

…now I did my rigging and skinning within Blender (skinning with vertexclouds) and it works quite fine. Still some questions open (like the one I asked), but it works.
Even the IKSolver is quite nice (although a bit lagging and unfortunately not spreadable) and makes me very happy!

Best, Julez