Hi guys,
I am trying to use the CheckCollision
node additionally to Collision
, but as soon as I connect it downstream to the graph, framerate drops, and I get
Warning: The node is stalling the GPU. The "Frame Delay" should be increased.
_VL_Stride_Rendering_.Stride.Rendering.MeshRenderer_C { public _VL_Stride_Rendering_.Stride.Rendering.MeshRenderer_C DrawInternal(Stride.Rendering.RenderD
rawContext Context_In) { ... } }
_VL_Stride_Rendering_.Stride.Rendering.MeshRenderer_C { private virtual void Stride.Rendering.IGraphicsRendererBase.Draw(Stride.Rendering.RenderDrawContex
t context) { ... } }
VL.Stride.Rendering.EntityRendererRenderFeature { public virtual void Draw(Stride.Rendering.RenderDrawContext context, Stride.Rendering.RenderView renderV
iew, Stride.Rendering.RenderViewStage renderViewStage, int startIndex, int endIndex) { ... } }
System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo { public void Throw() { ... } }
VL.Lang.Platforms.RuntimeHost { private void SharedStep() { ... } }
It can be reproduced by inserting the CheckCollision node in the “HowTo Use Collision” help patch like this (I know it doesn’t make sense)
It seems like CheckCollision should do more or less the same as Collision.
Any help and hints appreciated!