Capture single frame from Camera

I would like to capture a single frame from live video feed to JPEG. I was trying to use ScreenShot, but can’t get Window Handles to work…
Is there some other way to extract (render) and save only a single frame?

Thanks in forward for any help :)

Writer (EX9.Texture)
in case you want to directly capture the frame you don’t even need a renderer. VideoIn → VideoTexture → Writer



I have encountered another problem - the output file keeps rewriting itself, although it should not.
I tried to use S+H (Strings) but without success…

What Am I doing wrong?



I have encountered another problem - the output file keeps rewriting itself, although it should not.
I tried to use S+H (Strings) but without success…

What Am I doing wrong?

Snapshot v1_2009.12.21-21.46.00.jpg (79.7 kB)

I think you also want to look at the queue (texture) node.
you can ‘capture’ one frame, on a bang, and than use it like any other texture. (VideoIn → VideoTexture → Queue)

Thank you :)
I will look into it.

Just found the problem - more then 2 dots in filename > it got cut off just after the second dot and therefore it rewrote itself.

Thanks! :)