Can't drag and drop effect - Beta 25

Me again.

I can’t drag an effect from windows explorer into the patch I’m working on, so have to open a new patch window, drag the effect there, then copy/cut and paste into the main patch.

Patch can be provided if necessary.

Good luck!

ja pls attach the patch you cannot drop the effect in.

I have the same issue randomly, save and reopen the patch solve that.

i remember i wasn’t able to drag a patch (.v4p) into another patch once.

but…sic… can’t reproduce it…


This only happens when my view of the patch window is not at the default position - top/left. If I’ve scrolled away from this position either vertically or horizontally, the two entry menu doesn’t appear letting me choose to drop in either the effect node or editor.

Also, what’s the point of this little menu when trying to drop in an effect? Isn’t it better to just always drop the node straight in?


This is reproducible with a blank patch btw

Just checking you saw the last posts Joreg


it happened to me but randomly, cant reproduce it up to now (it has nothing to do with the default position)

“Also, what’s the point of this little menu when trying to drop in an effect? Isn’t it better to just always drop the node straight in?”

→ yup that is annoying, when i want to edit a shader i can rightclick on it after i dropped it in my patch

well this little popup menu is for cases where a file contains more than on node. a dll for example. it shouldn’t show up in case of fx files.
just tested it and it seems to work fine if fx file is in the search path. if not in search path, the menu shows up. will investigate this. but i don’t think that’s the reason for the drag drop issue.

just to check back… has this problem vanished for anyone?
cause i think i found the (seemingly pretty random) mechanism:
whenever i have TTY which is not visible (i.e. outside the patch window) i can’t drag in effects. scroll back to where the TTY node is and i can.

perfectly reproducable on my side.

at least i thought it was.
unless i have too many vvvversions lying around here and this problem is indeed as old as i thought…?

which, btw. solves so many other questions. for example why these self-monologue sessions with psychiatrists work so well…

it’s back :) not able to drag a patch (.v4p) into another patch. win7 64. beta27.

@armin: turn off UAC or run as admin ;)

i always run vvvv as admin. sorry but what’s UAC?

see here

the mysterious system controls… that’s it. thanks.