Can't connect to PostgreSQL database [Database (PostgreSQL Network)]

I’m having trouble getting the Database (PostgreSQL Network) node working.

I looked up the connection string here: PostgreSQL connection strings -

the connection string in the screenshot looks correct exept for “Host=” instead of “Server=”. I tried it both ways, no joy.

Looking up the error, leads me to this page: postgresql - Postgres 13 - how to downgrade password requirements? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange

I’m not familiar with the stuff they are talking about there. But what i gather is, that there is a new way of sending login info to the database (whitch the Database node probably does’t support?).

Any idea how i could still connect to a postgreSQL database wtih vvvv?

(I am able to connect to the database with other tools)

any hints would be greatly apriciated. thanks!

downgrading encryption to MD5 did the trick

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