Hello there,
if I try to clone a template in my patch I get an error that says
00:06:23 - : Assembly of C:\.....\Patches\plugins\ValueTemplatetest\ValueTemplatetest.csproj is not up to date. Need to recompile ...
The plugin is then created at the specified place but it keeps its name ‘Template’ when I drag it into my patch. Also, if I right-click a(nother) template the tty says:
00:12:33 ERR : Exception during reporting a mouse down: Die gefundene Manifestdefinition der Assembly stimmt nicht mit dem Assemblyverweis überein. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131040)
00:12:33 - : To help us track this error down, enable the ExceptionDialog via the menu or starting vvvv with /showexceptions.
This only happens in the patch I’m currently working on, not if I try the same thing with a frech patch.
Any ideas?