Bug in Queue(EX9.Texture)


I have the following scenario:

FileTexture → Queue → Quad → Renderer

And then some extra logic to perform pushes and pops to create a FIFO behaviour. The whole patch is attached here.

When I push some textures into the queue, I start getting white frames in the Queue. The white frames don’t get inserted in the beginning of the Queue instead of the texture. The texture is still inserted and the white frame is also inserted somewhere in the middle of the queue. But it is not random, since it always behaves in the same way, although I still didn’t figure it out.

I’d like to understand if this is specific to my system but this bug always happens no matter what I do. I added a TTY Renderer and I got the following error:

  • : can’t draw whole geometry at once, for example you have spreaded a texture / renderstate / texturestate… switching to slicewise rendering.

I have attached here the patch which demos the bug. If someone could test it and let me know the results…


queue_bug.v4p (11.9 kB)

the error you mentioned above is not really an error but rather a warning and has nothing to do with the problem you encounter.

i get the same behavior and am not quite sure at this point what it could be. needs some debugging.

I see. So it is indeed a bug. I’m glad I could be useful. I hope you can fix it since it makes this node useless.

Thank you so much for all the work you’ve been doing on this amazing tool!
