Only tested in 45beta34.2
Create a Text DX11.Layer node.
Press F11 to open help patch.
Change the size pin on the text node to 825
You can see clipping/cropping on the text.
I’ve tried and tried lots of things to fix it and cant.
Anyone got a quick fixes for this?
Not really a vvvv bug, but microsoft dealing with fonts like that, it was discussed already, the workaround only to scale the font, or try text advanced node
I tried the advanced node, same result.
I can’t use scale as the I’m drawing the fonts at super high resolutions for print and I can’t achieve the quality.
I have got DX11 text geometry working for me so all good at the moment.
April 25, 2018, 6:40pm
just for reference, the previous discussion, which was about dx9: Text (EX9) cuts off parts of character - question - Forum
thanks Joreg, that one I know and it’s a totally different issue/bug to this.
April 27, 2018, 4:08pm
This comes from default sprite sheet sizes (which is set for standard text and to limit memory consumption).
If you need high text size , There’s a TextSettings node which allows you to control that, example in girlpower:
or (as link) :
or for large text you can also use the Text geometry node and then you can cover the entire moon with that
May 8, 2019, 5:31pm
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